Since Boxed Mayhem doesn't have an "actual" marketing department, you are encouraged to help spread the word / image, by posting these images/movie link on your personal sites, facebook, tumbler, or whatever. However, there are some conditions to their use -

Do not alter or resize images.

Please place a web link to with images.

Even though Boxed Mayhem, LLC grants conditional permission to post of these "gallery" images and movie links,Boxed Mayhem, LLC does however, reserve the right to revoke permission and defend its copyrighted "gallery" images/movies. These rights will be exercised at Boxed Mayhem, LLC's discretion. For more information please review the "Terms of Use" of this website.
This permission only applies to the images/movie link within this "gallery". For all other content on this website, please see the "Other Website Content" section in the "Terms of Use".

Gallery Downloads

If you need something custom for your post contact me at




© 2017 Boxed Mayhem, LLC. all rights reserved


Lightened for browser

Large 960 x 540

Since Browsers tend to darken images and not match the visuals in the game, there are two brightness versions of each, and two different sizes as well. Click on image to download.

Movie link and other link info - Download .txt file

Original tint

Large 960 x 540

Lightened for browser
Small 500 x 281

Original tint

Small 500 x 281

Return to gallery images


square corners

white corners

black corners